T 0121 705 5555 E travel@landflight.co.uk

Terms & Conditions

General Terms & Conditions

HIRES: All hires start and finish at the company’s garage.

QUOTATIONS: LandFlight furnishes quotations under the following conditions.

[a] Prices are based upon costs prevailing at the time the quotation is given and in accordance with the details provided by the Hirer. Any subsequent additions, deletions or amendments will require a new quotation to be given.

[b] Unless otherwise stated, such prices will remain valid for a period not exceeding 28 days.

[c] Unless otherwise stated, quotations will not include the payment of tolls, ferry charges, parking fees, accommodation, admission charges, catering, VAT, etc where applicable.

[d] Subsequent bookings will be accepted subject to availability.

ROUTES & ITINERARIES: Routes taken and itineraries to be followed shall be in accordance with schedules provided by the Hirer to LandFlight at the time of the quotation, or at the time of booking. If no specific route is specified such route will be at LandFlight’s discretion, or in line with the criteria used in the original quotation. Any deviations from routes or change to itinerary requested by the Hirer, unless for reasons of safety, may incur an additional charge which will be at LandFlight’s discretion. Any such charge will be in line with additional costs incurred and may involve costs for a second driver in the event that drivers hours were to be exceeded, or the cost of hiring a subcontractor to cover work that the vehicle was scheduled to run onto had the route or itinerary not been changed.

Between outward and return journeys, the vehicle may not remain at any destination or be accessible to passengers unless specific arrangements for this have been agreed prior to the commencement of the hire.

JOURNEY TIMES: LandFlight will endeavour to complete journeys in the times required and will give its best advice at the time of the booking, if asked to do so, on probable journey times. However, it is the Hirer’s responsibility to satisfy themselves that enough time has been allowed to complete their journey to meet with any deadlines or onward connections. We cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of delays caused by circumstances or events which we could not have foreseen or are beyond our control.

It is strongly recommended you should consider insuring against risk if journey times are particularly crucial.

THE CARRYING OR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL: The carriage or consumption of alcohol on coaches going to or from certain sporting events, and anywhere in Scotland, is illegal. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure total compliance with these rules and the Hirer shall indemnify LandFlight in respect of any costs, claims or proceedings arising from the unlawful carriage or consumption of alcohol on any vehicle or vehicles hired.

If you are in any doubt whether such rules apply to a particular journey you should seek advice.

VEHICLE DAMAGE OR SOILING: Where a vehicle is damaged or internally soiled by any passengers thereon during the period of hire, the Hirer shall indemnify LandFlight in respect of such damage, associated costs or losses.

VEHICLE SIZE: LandFlight reserves the right to provide, without notice to the Hirer, a larger vehicle than specified. Providing that the number of passengers then carried does not exceed the seating capacity originally requested, no additional charge will be made.

PROPERTY & PERSONAL LUGGAGE: Whilst we will take all reasonable care with passenger’s luggage and any other items they may bring on our vehicle, we do not accept responsibility for loss or damage caused to these items whilst on the vehicle. Personal Insurance of luggage and valuables is strongly recommended. Any passenger’s property discovered on the vehicle after the hire will be stored, and may be claimed in accordance with the current Lost Property Regulations.

PASSENGER NUMBERS: The number of passengers conveyed on any vehicle shall not exceed the number of passenger seats thereon

LEGISLATION: Hirers should note that, under no circumstances can they require LandFlight to contravene any legislation or Ministry of Transport regulations concerning driver’s rest periods, hours of work etc. The requirement of non-compliance of such laws or regulations by the Hirer will result in the automatic termination of the hire and full cancellation charges being applied.

CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS: Whilst LandFlight will make every effort to fulfil its contractual obligations, the liability of LandFlight for any loss, damage, delay or inconvenience caused by the failure of any vehicle on hire to attend or leave at the specified time of each hire, or for any deviation from the route notified by the Hirer, including any failure to complete such route, or for any delay in the operation of the hire caused by operational difficulties, breakdown or in any other manner howsoever caused, shall be limited to the cost of the hire.

EXCLUSION OF HIRER’S TERMS & CONDITIONS: No general terms & conditions of the Hirer shall be applicable to contracts entered into between the Hirer and LandFlight.

CANCELLATIONS: In the event of cancellation of any hire by the Hirer, or by any person or body representing the Hirer, or a hire being deemed by LandFlight to have been cancelled by the Hirer through his failure to pay the charges for the hire within the period stipulated by LandFlight, LandFlight reserves the right to charge the Hirer a cancellation fee, if the cancellation, or deemed cancellation {as the case may be} occurs once the hire has been confirmed by LandFlight.

Executive Chauffeur Services

Point to Point Journeys – Cancellation less than four hours before the booked pick-up time OR where the vehicle is on route to the booked pick up – Minimum tariff charge OR actual incurred tariff charge (whichever is the greater).

Cancellation on arrival at the booked pick-up – Minimum tariff charge OR actual incurred tariff charge (whichever is the greater), plus any Waiting Time charge

Wait and Return / Period Hires – Cancellation less than 24 hours before the booked pick up – 15% of hire charge.

Cancellation where the vehicle is on route to, or arrived at, the booked pick up – 50% of the hire charge OR actual incurred tariff charge (whichever is the greater).

Coach Hire

Cancellation between 168 and 72 hours before the booked pick up – 10% of hire charge.

Cancellation between 72 and 24 hours before the booked pick up – 25% of hire charge.

Cancellation less than 24 hours before the booked pick up – 50% of hire charge.

Cancellation where the vehicle is on route to, or arrived at, the booked pick up – 50% of the hire charge OR actual incurred tariff charge (whichever is the greater).

Where pre-payment for any booking has been made, an administration charge of £10 or 3%, whichever is the greater, will be deducted from any cancellation refund due.

CANCELLATION BY LANDFLIGHT: In the event of the cancellation of any hire by LandFlight, the tender of repayment to the Hirer of all sums paid in respect of the hire shall be the full extent of LandFlight’s obligations and such tender of repayment shall constitute a full discharge of any claim.

SUBCONTRACTING: Where a vehicle is not available from the LandFlight fleet, for any reason whatsoever, it would be normal practice to hire in from other contractors to satisfy the Hirers requirements unless specifically instructed to the contrary. In such circumstances, it should be understood that LandFlight would be acting as an agent for the Hirer, Any terms and conditions imposed by such contractors shall be binding on the Hirer as if they had directly contracted such services.

Subcontractors may not be registered to BS EN ISO 9002.

PAYMENT: Where account facilities exist our settlement terms apply. Clients wishing to request account facilities should apply in writing furnishing two trade references and the name and address of their bank. If preferred, payment may also be made by Credit Card, Debit Card or BACs. VAT will be added to all accounts as applicable.

INSURANCE: All LandFlight vehicles carry fully comprehensive insurance cover with unlimited passenger liability.

COMPLAINTS: We trust you will have no cause to complain but in the event of this being necessary, it must be done in writing, as soon as possible and, in all events, within 14 days of the end of the hire.

APPLICABLE LAW: These conditions, and also any contract made between LandFlight and a Hirer, shall be governed by English Law and in the event of any dispute both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.


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