Timetables and flexible fares for LandFlight Bus Services
In conjunction with Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) we are focused on providing an efficient network of bus services providing clean and safe travel to all those who need public transport.
The nBus Multi operator ticket has replaced all Operator own tickets in the West Midlands area, simplifying the range of tickets for bus services.
ONE Ticket – ANY Bus : ANY Day : ANY Time.
One Day Child nBus – £2.40
One Day Adult nBus – £4.80
One Day Family/Group nBus – £8.50
Click here for our terms and conditions of carriage.
LandFlight are committed to providing a professional service to all of its customers.
Last bus of the day promise : If the last bus of the day does not run or departs early causing you to be stranded, you will be reimbursed reasonable costs for an equivalent journey. Any claim must be made in writing within 28 days of the incident and include evidence of additional expenses incurred.
For general enquiries and feedback on our bus services, whether you wish to express your gratitude or disappointment, our contact details are:
Bus Operations
LandFlight Travel Services
Argent House, Vulcan Road
Solihull, B91 2JY
T – 0121 705 5555
E – buses@landflight.co.uk
If you have made a complaint and have received an unsatisfactory response you may wish to contact Bus User UK (Email: enquiries@bususers.org – Tel: 0300 111 0001)
CCTV operates on all of our buses for the safety of our staff and passengers.