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LandFlight supports two British institutions during Crufts

Once again, we took great pride in supporting two well-known British institutions during Crufts.

We transported members of The Kennel Club and Chelsea Pensioners to the world-famous dog show, Crufts, at the Birmingham NEC.

We ferried club members to and from the NEC throughout the four-day event, and taking Chelsea Pensioners to the venue on Sunday, so they can enjoy the final day of the prestigious show.

LandFlight director Danny Matthews said: “It is always a great privilege to be involved in Crufts and in making sure our VIPs get to the event safely and comfortably.

“We have been taking members of the Kennel Club and Chelsea Pensioners to watch Crufts for several years and everyone involved thoroughly enjoys it.

“There is always a lot of excitement and it is great to be part of that.”

Chelsea Pensioners are residents at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, a retirement home and nursing home for former members of the British Army, which is located in Chelsea.

The Kennel Club is the UK’s largest organisation dedicated to the welfare of dogs.

For more information on LandFlight, call 0121 705 5555 or visit www.landflight.co.uk.

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